The END is Here: Montreal's One-Day Rave Festival and Artist Market

Montreal's rave and creative scenes join together for END, a one-day festival from noon to 5am that includes an artist market and a nonstop rave. Hosted at 429 Avenue Viger E (Montréal) in two rooms, tickets for this nonstop party are available here. It's a rare opportunity to see all your rave friends in one place.
The music is curated by the city's best DJs, who have come together to create an atmosphere of friendship and endless dancing. Recognizable names on the lineup include the event organizers who have kept the Montreal afterhours going for years, as well as newcomers to the scene who have been ripping up the dancefloor every weekend in recent memory.
Artisans at the daytime portion of the event include many of Also Cool favs, as well as a ton of other artists we can't wait to check out. If you want to do your holiday shopping extra early or treat yourself, this is the place to do it.

Some words of the organizer:
“I'm hoping the event will bring the idea of connection, coming together for a singular immersive experience. Realize that a sustainable future is possible. For everyone to meet each other and begin to build connections and resources and create a place to belong. As well as showcasing the amazing talent Montreal has to offer! It is the end, and with the end, a new beginning comes.
No sexism. No racism. No ableism. No ageism. No homophobia. No fatphobia. No transphobia. No hatefulness
The beginning of the END
is here
People divided no more
People unified
All coming together to usher in a new era
We have made it this far
We will continue to go further
To give ourselves a platform
To showcase
Our love
Our talents
Our ideas
Everything we have to offer
And you will know
Energy Never Dies
- END -”
Presented to you by Pabst

Schedule & lineup:
Art Market: 12pm-4pm Free Entry
Those without tickets will be asked to leave after
Blame Soundsystem
Pretty Privilege
D. Blavatsky
Malice Doll
NGL Flounce
Neo Edo
Online Threat
Isla Den
Pomelo Sound x Stm Underground Soundsystem
Combo Breakers
Michele Azur
3 Rosas
Service De Garde
Sandwich District
LCL Stream
About the organizer: Ethan Akerman AKA the Goblin that Can Dance is a producer, lightning designer, DJ, organizer, visionary, and community builder.
They are inspired by the people around them, who have so much to offer to the world. He aims to create a space that can give a platform to these people, build a sustainable future, and make something special that’ll change the way we see the world.
With positivity and love
That’s all we need to make it happen.
Enjoys Industrial and Breakbeat
Long walks in alleyways to the rave
Watching the sun rise
Drinking water
Telling people to drink water
& dance offs