Also Cool Presents: Frankie Rose & Chiara Savasta at Taverne Tour on Feb 11th

It may be the coldest month of the year, but Taverne Tour is hitting the streets of Montreal this weekend to warm us up with too many good shows to count.
We're excited to co-promote a Taverne Tour show of our own featuring Frankie Rose and Chiara Savasta at Casa del Popolo on February 11th. Almost all of the Also Cool core team will be in town, and we'd love to see you!
Get your tickets here.
Taverne Tour will be taking over the many bars and music venues of Avenue du Mont-Royal, Boulevard St-Laurent and Rue St-Denis, and present the very best music from Montréal and abroad. Headliners include of Montreal, Lydia Lunch Retrovirus, BACKXWASH, The King Khan & BBQ Show, and Choses Sauvages.
The lineup also includes a ton of Also Cool forever favs, including Piss for Pumpkin, Laura Krieg, NO WAVES, Yoo Doo Right, La Sécurité, Boyhood, and SO many more.
Good luck in the cold, we'll see you in the pit!
Taverne Tour