Kansas City Duo The Black Creatures Release Single "TRUE FRIENDS" In Anticipation of Upcoming Album

If we've learned anything over the past few years, it's that having a good support system makes all the difference in the world. Trusting that your chosen family will take care of you and that you'll take care of them when they need it is what The Black Creature's latest single, "TRUE FRIENDS," is all about.
The track is the first off of their upcoming album By Thy Hand, produced by Xavier and written by Jade Green and Xavier. It’s a synth pop ballad that reminds us what true friendship is all about, and carries the same cadence and bubbly but honest energy as early Chance the Rapper tracks.
According to Jade," This song is not only a celebration but an offering of gratitude to the support system that I've been lucky to have in my life. Especially during this time where everybody feels so isolated, so far removed from community and from collaboration, this song is a cheeky way of telling listeners,' you deserve loyalty, you deserve love - did you forget who the F you are?!'"
The Kansas City duo (who we interviewed earlier this year) make a point to blur the lines of genre while maintaining a recognizable cohesion. They blend contemporary pop, hip-hop, dance, R&B, EDM and soul with cinematic and storytelling sci-fi/fantasy elements and themes.
Listen to "TRUE FRIENDS" below & stay tuned for their upcoming album!
The Black Creatures
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Malaika Astorga is the co-founder of Also Cool. She is a Mexican-Canadian visual artist, writer, and social media strategist currently based in Montreal.