Yves Tumor Embodies Rock and Roll Energy at Club Soda

I knew that the Yves Tumor show at Club Soda would be a good one based on the conversations I heard while standing in line waiting to get in.
People were overjoyed to be running into each other for the first time in three years, and everyone was dressed in a way that made me feel like I was in the right place. Most notably, two friends were showing each other their bags of crystals, excitedly explaining each one in relation to the other person's astrological sign.

Yves Tumor by Jordan Hemingway
The show was one of Yves’ 47 international tour dates for 2022, and certainly did not disappoint. From the lighting to the generous amount of smoke from the fog machine and even the immaculate styling, Yves Tumor and his band embodied a classic rock and roll energy. There was crowd surfing, fans trying to rip the bass away from the band, and lyrics being screamed back for nearly every song.
You can catch Yves Tumor on tour by checking out tickets here and watch the 90s MTV-inspired promotional video below. Special thanks to Carter from Biz 3 for the press pass.
Malaika Astorga is the Co-Founder & Creative Director of Also Cool. She is a Mexican-Canadian visual artist, writer, and social media strategist currently based in Montreal.