GG Love Release Montreal-Core Music Video for "Telephone"

GG Love has joined the pantheon of musicians with iconic telephone-themed tunes. Although far from the art-pop sound of Lady Gaga's popular communications-themed track, GG Love's Telephone is a softer, heartfelt melody.
Despite the track's tenderness, the lyrics are firm in setting boundaries with a person from GG's past, who seems to have lost their number to the void and yet continues to try and reach out. It's one of many love-themed tunes from their latest album, "How Do You Define Love?" Check out our interview for their last release, It Could Still Be A Win here.
Telephone is accompanied by a very Montreal-core music video featuring the infamous train tracks, Jarry Park, and our unofficial workout group Pump Pump. Not only that, but there's also a whole choreographed dance routine featuring some very cool cowboy hats, a samurai, disco ball weights, and a banana phone. What more could you ask for?
Watch Telephone below
GG Love
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Malaika Astorga is the Co-Founder & Creative Director of Also Cool. She is a Mexican-Canadian visual artist, writer, and social media strategist currently based in Montreal.